Thursday, May 14, 2020

Why Southwest Sample Essay?

Why Southwest Sample Essay?Sample essays from the Southwest have become one of the most popular essay topics today, even among those who have no interest in the educational system or who do not attend a University. This is because many people from the Southwest appreciate the southwest and the role it has played in the country's history.The southern states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada have been the central to the spread of civilization and most of the early American history. Most historians agree that the first Americans began their journey from these regions, migrating north with the help of horseback riding and a vast amount of farming and ranching.Many who write these samples feel that the southwestern area of the United States is uniquely well suited for using essay topics such as these samples. It gives students a feeling of being part of history, because they live in a large state with several distinct areas that all bring their own traditions and o pinions about the history and current situation of the southwest.Students from the south often complain that the schools they attend are not prepared to teach them the history of the south of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, or other areas that have more in common with each other than with the rest of the United States. Such people often look to the southwest to explain why this region came to be known as a part of America. However, this would be an inaccurate assumption, because no single region of the country can be divided into the modern nation of the United States, and that division came into being due to the general expansion of the United States.Montana, for example, has had a long association with Indians, but as a result of early settlers that moved west into what is now Montana, the Indians have largely left the area. They still exist, but so do European settlers that come from other parts of the United States.Texas is different, because it was one of the earliest states to sep arate from Mexico. This means that its population was originally all made up of people who were native to that area of the United States.Due to this, Texas is particularly well suited for using sample essays from the southwest. When it comes to such topics as how to write about a ranch or farm, or about cultural history, there is little difference between the way a Texan thinks and writes about ranching and farming, or between that Texan and the Spanish in central Mexico.In fact, many Texans already are well aware of the many differences that exist between them and the Mexicans in Mexico, and they find it easy to incorporate these differences into their own way of life. These essays also come in handy because, since most individuals in the United States live in relatively close proximity to such areas as the southwest, they understand how to use this kind of material, while at the same time enjoying the similarities as well.

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