Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Compare and Contrast Essay

The Perks of being a Wallflower Compare and Contrast The book and the movie for The Perks of Being a Wallflower are extremely different, and I believe that the movie is much better than the book. The book is written much differently than the movie. There are lots of scenes that are in the book but not in the movie and that are in the movie not the book. The movie focuses less on the bigger, depressing topics than the book does. The characters in the movie are also much different than they are in the book. Their personalities are very different in the movie than the author described them as in the book. The movie, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, is directed very differently than how the book is written. The book is written in†¦show more content†¦In the movie, the only time you see Charlie crying is at the end, when he blacks out and attempts to commit suicide. There are many scenes and details that were in the book, but were left out of the movie, one thing that differentiates the movie from the book, is the change in charact er’s personalities and the relationships between the characters. In the book, Candace and Charlie seem like they don’t get along extremely well. Like any brother and sister, they fight quite a lot and they get in many arguments. But Candace seems like she is much meaner to him in the book than she is to him in the movie. In the movie Candace is much nicer to Charlie, and just nicer in general. Patrick is quite similar in the movie to how he was in the book, except for his personality. In the book, Patrick seems less carefree and funny. It seems like he is a jokester, but he can also be very serious at times. While in the movie he can’t be taken seriously and he always is trying to lighten the mood. Even when he and Brad were going through a rough spot in their relationship, he was still messing around and cracking jokes. Charlie was the character that is the most different in the book and in the movie. In the book, Charlie is portrayed as weak, nerdy and extreme ly awkward. But in the movie he is a tougher character and he seems a lot less quiet and shy. One way the movie shows that Charlie is not very weak is how he only cries once at the end. While in the book he cries allShow MoreRelatedHigh School And Social Hierarchy1246 Words   |  5 Pagesa sense of belongingness and security. Although there are positive aspects of cliques, there is a correlation between cliques and social pressure. Some clique members deal with the anxiety of constantly trying to impress their peers or the fear of being kicked out of the group while those who are outcasts may face bullying and feelings such as loneliness and depression. Either way, links have been found between certain coping mechanisms pertaining to the social pressure adolescents face. For exampleRead MoreThe Breakfast Club Vs. Perks Of Being A Wallflower1422 Words   |  6 PagesThe Breakfast Club vs. The Perks of Being a Wallflower In high school, social hierarchy is typically determined by perceived popularity. Adolescents experience many emotional, biological and cognitive changes during this time. Teenagers struggle with their identity as social acceptance becomes an increasingly important factor in their lives. Cliques are formed in high school as a representation of a small group of people with common interests. Cliques are joined mostly by girls because it givesRead MoreEdward Scissorhands Essay Outsider1281 Words   |  6 Pagescommunity. Edward is excluded due to the fact that he is physically different from everyone else; he has scissors for hands. We first see Edward inside a dark and gloomy mansion secluded from the rest of the town, showing that it doesn’t belong. The contrast used between the main street containing pastel coloured houses, coloured cars and people wearing bright clothes, showing that Edward is not like them, he is an outsider. We see him though Peggy’s eyes and the high camera angle used makes EdwardRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film, Edward Scissorhands, Directed By Tim Burton1642 Words   |  7 Pagesget to see or notice too often. The group of individuals on the other side constantly shows the challenges they face, and the different ways of living are often ignored because they don’t fit into the current society. This brings up a strong contrast and compare between what society defines as normal and what is abnormal. My theme tells us that their appearances are often deceiving and we should learn to to give them a chance. This means you are also more likely to become friends and learn from their

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