Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Sun Is The Only Star - 964 Words

The sun that sends out light to our world is not considered as sun in the evening; it is called as a star in general because of its structure and history which most of the stars in the universe similarly have. The sun is a naturally giant star that contains many elements, and magnetically sucks everything that is close by into its body. Moreover, this almost-spherical star, along with its strong gravity, consists of the fire and lava that are made from the elements, burns and melts down all of the small meteorites that pass by. The sun is seen to be dangerous as described, but helpful for our planet. It brings the warmness and light to our lives, and which daytime exists, humans and creatures start working and smiling with happiness and†¦show more content†¦I tried look straight to the sun just for a few seconds. The outcome turned out that I was color-blind for a while. If I have starred at the sun for a minute, I would be blind for life. Another bad example, that the atmos phere does not protect us from the sun, is our skins. The sun made every uncovered parts of my body turn darker. When this happened, it took me months to recover my uncovered skin to have the same color with the covered skin. I do not try to be offensive about the protection of the atmosphere from the sun, but this is the true. The sun is dangerous, yet it also can be very helpful and effective to our lives. The sun allows species, such as human being, on earth to live until they are old enough to leave and say goodbye to the material world. There is nothing that can replace the sun that is always helping our lives and planet out of death and extinction. Other stars, indeed, have the same function as our sun does, but they are too far away from our planet. They are just little dots that appear during night time to make sky look pretty and fancy. Although our sun is better than other stars at bringing light and warmness to us, it does not help us at all in the evening because it is in the opposite side of the earth. What makes the sun disappear at one side of the earth at night and appear at and shines the other side? That is caused by the spinning movement of our earth. Adding to that, our

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