Sunday, December 29, 2019

Many Women Across The World Cause Complications To Their

Many women across the world cause complications to their unborn child when they choose to abuse substance. There are many types of substance abuse such as alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse. Most likely when women choose to engage in these types of activities it causes harm to the child and birth defects. Long term and short term deformities and conditions are present in the child. Other factors play a part into why women abuse, substance such as stress, depression, and mental issues. More treatment and pre-education should be provided to women to inform them of the cause and effects of substance abuse. Most pregnant mothers are not provided with the proper care and treatment when treating substance abuse. According to the American†¦show more content†¦Nevertheless, others may feel that it is solely the mother’s responsibility to endure treatment for her and the child. Not only does the substance abuse affect the mother and the child it also affects the family. During that time women may feel isolated and a support group should be provided. One major substance abuse is the consumption of alcohol. Children have this condition that is called an Alcohol Fetal syndrome, which is caused by alcohol exposure during the mother’s pregnancy. This syndrome cause issues such as brain damage, growth problems, and physical defects. Researchers from the National Institute for Alcohol and Drug Association have conducted a study which took place over the time period of five years they also use previous research to help back up their own conclusion. â€Å"Fetal Alcohol Syndrom e (FAS) and Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) has increased during the last 20 years...Reduced birth weight has been observed among children born to women who consumed amounts of alcohol down to 1.2 cl (10 g) absolute alcohol (AA) per day during pregnancy† (Ihlen, Amundsen, Tronnes 389). Even though that investigation was conducted back in 1993, it still helps show how alcohol has been a problem for women and their child and it continues to be an issue today. Recent studies state that â€Å"alcohol use in pregnancy is a major public health problem...alcohol is used byShow MoreRelatedHealthy People 2020 Initiative : A Initiative Of The Department Of Health1605 Words   |  7 Pagesimprove the well-being of women, infants, children, and families. As a result, increasing the quality of years of healthy life. All of this can accomplish by providing a roadmap to all to help individuals and health care providers meet these outcomes. Improving the families well-being has a great impact on the rest of each person’s life. 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